Why I Write? It’s All About Calvin. #amsg #musapublishing

I’ve read lots of articles on the theory of writing. You know, the hook, the ending, character development, show vs. tell etc. etc. bla bla bla. All good things and each one dismissed at your peril. But that’s not what I wanted to blog about today. Not the how, but the why.

I love writing. Especially the middle part because when I’m there I’m hunting for the end. Like many writers, I go in with a concept, but once the characters start living and breathing, the story can take twists and turns I never expected. And suddenly, there you are, half way through your latest work and you’re like shit, my endings not going to work!

Final Beryllium ChaliceSO WHAT DO YOU DO? I know some writers just write and write and write, feeling their way back to the path, and judging by countless books I’ve read, somehow they make it through. But you can feel this phase in their writing. No matter how great the overall story is; when you reach that point, wherever it is, you feel lost.

Perhaps I’ve got a mutant gene, I don’t know, but when I’m there I sort of slow down and listen to my characters. It’s around that time that my muse buddy, Calvin, generally shows up. He whispers something in my ear, breathing a special word that mysteriously pops into my head and suddenly POOF, everything is clear.

Perhaps you can relate. I guess its like the thrill of the chase, because when Calvin sprinkles his magic juju beans, it’s like the fire has returned; the one that sparked when the initial concept first arrived unannounced in my head. And that is why I write. Because when Calvin comes, and he’s as regular as clockwork, I know there is true magic in the world, and I get my writer’s high. I love it.

Thanks for reading, Iris.

Oh, PS. The Beryllium Chalice on sale. Click here for the shiny low price (limited time deal thingy.)

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