The Beryllium Chalice #ASMSG #Fantasy #Excerpt #Mythology

UraniaFINALHi all,

It’s been a few weeks since my fantasy novel, The Beryllium Chalice was released. I’ve been delighted with the feedback I’ve had so far – and in the flush of its success am furiously working on another just like it. More on that later though. TBC is full of action and adventure – if you love Greek Mythology, with flawed heroes, strong warrior-women, all set at odds against bone-chilling monsters, then this is the book for you. If your taste also runs the gambit of emotions – from laugher to tears – you will not be disappointed either.

Anyway, what I wanted to share with you now was the official excerpt from the book. So here goes:

Flora climbed down from her horse. She would not confess any weakness to her captor, but she was unused to riding, and her limbs were sore. She welcomed the chance to rest. Kytos noticed her grimace as she dismounted. “You’ll get used to it,” he said.

“Like I have a choice,” she retorted.

She rubbed her backside while Kytos took some packages from his horse’s pack. He sat down on a rock and pulled out meat wrapped in paper. He attacked it with gusto.

“I can see you haven’t eaten for a while,” said Flora.

“Warriors have little time to eat. When I feel hunger, I eat, and I’m starving now.”

She couldn’t determine what beast the meat had come from as she watched Kytos devour the dead thing with interest. As his first pangs of hunger were sated, he looked at her and misjudged her interest. He offered some of his dinner to her. “I thank you, but no, I do not eat the flesh of animals.”

“Is that a girl thing?”

“No, it is a dryad thing. Meat is poison to me and others of my kind.”

“Suit yourself.”

He rose to his feet, still chewing on his hunk of meat. He walked a few feet behind her, until his footsteps came to a stop.

“You might want to gather some of these to keep you from starving. You’ll find little else once we get to the Widden Mountains, for the pass is barren. And these berries will cost us nothing.”

She looked behind her to see what he was looking at. Beautiful white berries adorned an herbaceous plant. Dread shot through her. She jumped to her feet, and ran to where he stood. Before Kytos could unsheathe his sword to defend himself, she placed her hand on his wrist.

“My people call those the sleeping death. I think you would call them the berries of Korymbus. Our children are warned to keep away for a single berry can stop a heart before the juice leaves your lips. I thank you, but, no, I think I’ll pass. I suggest you do, too.”

He shrugged but appeared surprised by her intervention. “Suit yourself. In any case, there will be provisions enough for our journey in the city of Bartom. Anything can be bought there for a price.”

“Is the city much further?”

“A few hours’ ride, no more.”

As Kytos finished the last piece of meat, he looked thoughtfully at the berry bush. “A wiser prisoner might have let me continue and then you would be free.”

“I have no stomach for murder.”

“The gods have decreed otherwise.”

Flora frowned as a stone settled against her heart. “The gods are wrong.” – See more at: Musa Publishing.



Urania-Speculative Fiction


Science Fiction & Fantasy

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Fare thee well. Thank you for checking me out!

Stay warm and toasty!


Final Beryllium Chalice

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